Abaddon Abazagorath Abdullah Abettor Of Satan Abhorrence Abhorrence Abhorrent Abigor [official] Abigor Abigail Abigor Abigor [Napalm Records] Abigor Abigor Abigor Ablaze My Sorrow Abominant Aborted Youth Abruptum Absentia Abstrakt Algebra [Airbag] Absu Absu [official] Absu [official] Absu Absurd Absurdus Abuse Ment Park Abyss The Abyss The Abyss Abyssos Abyssos Abyssos AcabEEl Silencio Accelerator Accelerator Accept [official] Accept AC/DC AC/DC AC/DC Aceldama acetylene Acheron Acheron Acheron Acid Bath Acid Death Acid Mud Flower Acid Rain Acrimony [official] Act of Fate Ad Infinitum Admonish Adnoctum Adorned Brood Ad Patres Adraman Adramelech Adramelech Adrenalin Kick [official] Aeba Aenaon Aeon [Croatia] Aeon [Finland] Aerosmith Aesdana Aetharius Aetherius Aeternus Aeternus After Death After Eden Agalloch Agarthi Agathocles Agathocles [official] Agathodaimon AgathodaEon Agatus Agent Steel [official] Agent Steel Agent Steel Agent Steel Age of Ruin Agnostic Front Agony Agony Column Ahma Ain't No Use Airged Lamh Akercocke Akrabu Aktebore Alastis Alastis Alastor: Sanguinary Embryo Alchemist Alchemist Alchemist Algaion [official] Algaion Alkaid Allegiance [Official] All is Suffering The Almighty The Almighty Grind Alsvartr Altar Alterkation Amenophis Dusk Amenophis Dusk Amestigon Amethyst Amityville Amnesia Amok Amon Amarth Amon Amarth Amorphis [official] Amorphis Amorphis Amorphis Amorphis Amorphis Amorphis Amortis Amsvartner Anacrusis Anacrusis Anaon Anarazel Anata Anathema [official] Anathema Anathema Anathema Anathema Anathema Anathema Ancestor Ancestor Sword Ancient Ancient Ancient Ceremony Ancient Ceremony Ancient Drive Ancient Rites [Official] Ancient Rites Ancient Sorrow Ancient Winds ...And Oceans ...And Oceans Andras Angel Corpse Angeles Del Infierno Angel Witch Angizia Angra Angra Annihilator Annihilator Annihilatus anno-daemonicus Anomaly Anopheles Anoxia Anphisbenah Antaeus Antaro Ante Mortem Anthrax Anthrax Anthrax Anthrax Anthropolatri Antidote Antisilence Anton Maiden Anubis Spire Anvil Anwyl Anxiety Aperion Aphasia Apparition Apocalyptica Apocalyptic Raids Apollyon Apollyon's Sun Apoplexy Apostasis Apostasy Apostasy Apostasy [official] Apotheosis Arallu Arcane Arcane Art Arcane Sun [official] Archaos Archaos Arch Enemy Arckanum Arckanum Arcturus [official] Arcturus Arcturus Arcturus Arcturus Argentum Aria Arise Arius Arius Arkenemy Armadillo Armistice Armored Saint Armoured Angel Arngrimmr Ars Occulta ArteFact Artillery The Art of Dethronement The Art of Dethronement Artrosis Artworks Ascent Ascraeus As Divine Grace [official] Ashes Ashes to Ashes Ashmolean [official] Asmodeus As I Lay Dying (Ex-Visceral Evisceration) [Official] Asmodeus Asomvel A Sorrowful Dream Asphyx Assamalla Assault & Battery Assert Astaroth Astarte Astarte Astral Astray Astriaal Asyndess Ataraxia Atargatis Atavism Ataxia At Dawn They Sleep Atheist Atman Atomkraft Atrophia Red Sun Atrophia Red Sun Atropos Atrosis Atrox Atroxentis At the Gates At the Gates At the Gates At the Gates At the Gates Augur Aura Aurora Aurora Borealis Aurvandir AuschwitZ Autumnal Discord Autumndusk Autumn Leaves Autumn Nostrum Autumn Tears Avalon Avalon Avatar [official] Avatar Avathar Avenger Avernus Averon Averse Sefira Averse Sefira Avulsed Avulsion Avulsion Awesome Axegrinder Axel Rudi Pell Axis of Advance Azaghal Azaghal Azaghal Azalon Azazel Azazel Azeroth Azmodan Azmodan Aztec Jade